
Oral presentation of assignments on Indigenous Spirituality and Slum Spirituality into an integrated set of papers. Ideally the best to be published on the website.

Integration of the Course (ppt)


Written course evaluation

Verbal course evaluation

Korokoroake (Time of farewell)

Related Readings

  • Passin final reading log. Should be around 1000 pages.

Learning Objectives

Learning through action, gilded with reflection, in the presence of a supportive cluster of like-minded friends cements knowledge deeply into the emotional crevices of our heart and mind, laying a foundation for future wisdom.

1. Wisdom: Intellectually and emotionally Integrate the experiences of the course

2.Values: Through personal story-telling confirm commitments and values that may affect lifelong patterns of spiritual growth.

Action & Assignments

1.Pass in final reading log

2. Pass in final integrated indigenous and slum spirituality papers

3. Pass in final reading log


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